"Raúl González es empresario y CEO de ECODICTA, una plataforma de moda sostenible que promueve el armario circular con un sistema de suscripción mensual donde las clientas reciben prendas diferentes cada 30 días sin compararlas.Ecodicta surge como una comunidad consciente del impacto negativo de la industria de la moda…
Currently stepping into an exciting new role as Head of Membership Growth, Europe, at Travelzoo, a global media commerce company that connects millions of travel enthusiasts with exceptional deals. With over 25 years of experience in media, e-commerce, digital businesses, and transformation projects across the TME and hospitality…
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." "Succeed is always to try one more time". Thomas Edison. Startups are just like that. There's no magic formula, but there are three words that describe how I believe success is achieved: determination, tenacity and perseverance.…